How to Choose a Carport Designer
Carports are a simple and cost-effective alternative to garages and coverless driveways. They can also complement a range of architectural styles. The first step in designing a new carport is to determine its intended uses. This will dictate many of the design’s features. The racking design influences module temperature. Our carport racking option combines the layout properties of fixed-tilt and flush mount racking, which results in lower temperatures than other designs. Size When building a carport, it’s important to think about the size of your vehicles. You don’t want a shelter that’s too large, but you also don’t want one that’s too small. Standard carport sizes include single-car, double-car, and triple-car designs. To determine the right size for your vehicle, measure the length of each vehicle from front to back. You’ll also need to measure the width and height of each vehicle at its tallest point. You may need to increase the height of your structure if you plan to stor...